It is never too early to start protecting your body.
When I talk about body, I actually mean all three combined together:
your mind, your body and your soul.
There are several things I did wrong in my life.
And there are also good things I gained through experience.
Those things I want to pass on to you, dear Savannah, dear Joshua,
so that you are not making the same mistakes.
This list is not final, but it gives you a good start. And it also helps you to get through this corona crisis.
1) Protect your body
Eat and drink organic. If you have the possibility to choose between organic and non-organic, choose organic. Best would be, if you grow your own food in your garden.
Don't eat produced sweets. You just don't need them. When you are longing for something sweet, eat some fruits.
Eat enough fruits and vegetables. Every day. Reduce meat. The older you get, the less you need it. Instead of eating too much meat, eat other proteins. Good sources of proteins are nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans), seeds (e.g. pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), legumes (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, white beans, chickpeas).
You need minerals, especially in your age of growing: calcium (e.g. natural yogurt, broccoli), iron (e.g. salmon, eggs, beans, broccoli), potassium (e.g. bananas, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, citrus fruits, legumes) and zinc (e.g. nuts and legumes). And you also need enzymes (e.g. papayas, pineapples).
Cook with your own hands. When cooking make sure you are using coconut oil. Another good oil is made out of flax seed. All other oils can produce bad stuff for your body when being heated up.
Drink (enough) spring water. And for sure don't drink sweetened drinks. They are full of sugar and other bad stuff. If you are longing for something sweet to drink, make yourself a fresh fruit juice.
Go out into the sun. And in your case, wear a hat. If you need to put on sunscreen, use only the organic ones. Please don't ever use the chemical ones. They can make your skin sick.
2) Train your strength
If possible, work outside. If not, do sports for sure. You will figure out by time, where your talents are. When you're old enough, use your bicycle instead of a car. Whatever you are doing, e.g. when you are lifting heavy things, always strengthen/put tension to your core. This will protect especially your back.
3) Train your mind
Leave smartphones, tablets aside. Be as often as you can in nature. Connect to nature. Most of the people are disconnected from nature. May you stay connected and protect nature.
Read. Write. Learn. Play an instrument.
4) Train your spirit
Pray. It is the sweetest moment every day and it can change everything for you. Connect to our Creator. Let His pure energy flow through your body. Everything - physically and mentally - will become easier for you. Meditate. It is so important to focus on the now, what you are doing right in that moment. Switch off all of your bad thoughts.
Don't let anybody steal your positive energy. Be kind. No matter what others do or say to you, stay in your middle and just be kind. Smile. And the world smiles with you.
Find your purpose in life. There is a reason for you being on this planet. If you are connected to our creator, He will tell you your purpose. It took me more than 40 years to find it. May you be blessed to find it way earlier.